Accreditation is an important factor in choosing which institution you decide to study with. We have always been very confident about the high quality of our education systems and learning materials. But don't just take our word for it!
QQI is a state agency responsible for maintaining the ten-level NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications) in Ireland. QQI awards fit into the overall National Framework of Qualifications for Ireland. There are 10 levels on the national framework - level 1 being the lowest and level 10 being the highest.
READ MORE »AONTAS is the Irish National Assocation of Adult Education. It is an Irish organisation which promotes quality assessable adult learning.
READ MORE »Built for the Web industry by the Web industry, CIW courses and certifications are designed using leading technological standards, rather than any one specific software or hardware vendor.
READ MORE »CompTIA remains a skills benchmark that provides an entry point into an IT career and the industry standard to validate foundational skills.
READ MORE »EADL (European Association of Distance Learning) is the European association of schools, institutions and individuals working in correspondence and distance education.
READ MORE »The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is the standard in end-user computer skills, offering our students an internationally recognised certification.
READ MORE »A Microsoft Office Specialist certificate demonstrates that the holder has the skills to accomplish the most complex of Microsoft Office projects. This is the premier Microsoft desktop certification.